Greg Irons 1982 Production Flash- MORE COMING SOON!

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What were you doing in 1982? Greg Irons and P.A. (Pete) Stephens were tattooing together with Danny Danzel in Seattle, Washington and had just released their landmark set of flash. Greg was just two years into his tattoo career, but Pete was a seasoned veteran.This set redefined many of the classics of tattoo designs and created some new ones.

This flash is New Old Stock (NOS*) and has not been available to the public since the early 1980s. Greg Irons was tragedy killed in a traffic accident in Thailand in 1984. This flash has been stored since then by his brother Mark Irons.  

*NOS means an item this is brand new and never been sold, but sitting in storage for a long time. There is some ghosting around the edges of these flash sheets and that verifies its age.

8 sheets, black & white
11 X 14